Evolving Reflections Counseling Center

7 Signs You Need to See a Substance Abuse Professional

certified substance abuse professional

Substance abuse can affect anyone, and recognizing the signs early is crucial for seeking help and preventing further harm. A Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) plays a vital role in assessing and recommending treatment for individuals struggling with substance abuse, ensuring they can safely return to work, especially in safety-sensitive positions. Here are seven signs that indicate it’s time to seek assistance from a certified substance abuse professional.

What is a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP)?

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of Drug & Alcohol Policy & Compliance, an SAP assesses employees who have violated DOT drug and alcohol regulations. They recommend education, treatment, follow-up testing, and continuing care. SAPs are crucial in deciding if an employee can return to a safety-sensitive position, such as driving a bus, flying a plane, or operating a train.

How Substance Abuse Develops Over Time?

Substance abuse typically starts gradually, often unnoticed. It may begin with occasional use, progressing to regular use, and eventually leading to dependency. Over time, individuals may develop a tolerance, requiring more of the substance to achieve the same effect, and experience withdrawal symptoms when not using. This progression can lead to significant health, social, and occupational problems.

7 Signs You Need to See a Substance Abuse Professional

If you find yourself needing more of the substance to achieve the same effect, or if you feel compelled to use it regularly, this is a strong indicator of dependence. Increased tolerance and dependence are key signs that professional help is needed.

Failing to meet obligations at work, home, or school due to substance use is a red flag. If you find yourself missing deadlines, forgetting important tasks, or performing poorly at work, it’s time to seek help.

Experiencing physical or psychological symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, nausea, or tremors when not using the substance indicates a dependency that requires professional intervention.

Trying to quit or cut down on substance use and failing repeatedly is a clear sign that you need professional support. An SAP can help develop a structured plan for quitting and provide the necessary resources and guidance.

Substance abuse can lead to various health issues, including mental health problems like depression and anxiety, and physical health issues such as liver damage or cardiovascular problems. If your health is deteriorating due to substance use, it’s crucial to seek help.

Substance abuse often leads to changes in behavior, such as increased secrecy, lying, or stealing to support the habit. It can also strain relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. If your relationships are suffering, it’s a sign you need to see a SAP.

Legal issues, such as arrests for driving under the influence or possession of drugs, and financial problems due to spending money on substances, are serious indicators that professional help is needed. An SAP can guide you through the necessary steps to address these issues.

When to Seek Assistance?

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these signs, it’s essential to seek help immediately. The earlier you seek intervention, the better the chances of recovery and preventing further harm. SAPs are equipped to provide comprehensive assessments and recommend appropriate treatment plans tailored to individual needs.

Take the First Step Towards Recovery

Recognizing the signs of substance abuse is the first step toward recovery. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Seeking help from a SAP counselor near you can provide the support and guidance needed to overcome substance abuse and regain control of your life.

Call to Action

If you or someone you know needs assistance, contact Evolving Reflections Counseling Center today. Our team of experienced professionals is here to help you take the first step towards a healthier, substance-free life. Reach out now and start your journey to recovery.

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